Chapter Introduction | |
H02BBF | Integer LP problem (dense) |
H02BFF | Interpret MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem, optimize and print solution |
H02BUF | Convert MPSX data file defining IP or LP problem to format required by H02BBF or E04MFF |
H02BVF | Print IP or LP solutions with user specified names for rows and columns |
H02BZF | Integer programming solution, supplies further information on solution obtained by H02BBF |
H02CBF | Integer QP problem (dense) |
H02CCF | Read optional parameter values for H02CBF from external file |
H02CDF | Supply optional parameter values to H02CBF |
H02CEF | Integer LP or QP problem (sparse) |
H02CFF | Read optional parameter values for H02CEF from external file |
H02CGF | Supply optional parameter values to H02CEF |
H03ABF | Transportation problem, modified `stepping stone' method |
H03ADF | Shortest path problem, Dijkstra's algorithm |